Friday, June 29, 2012

Long time coming...

The last post to this blog was made on April 10th and the last update to the app was probably around that time as well.  That's almost three months... and you would think that after that amount of time I would have some crazy new enhancement ready to roll out.  Sadly, I don't.  After the last update, I started into looking at a weather extension and I think I have a plan for that, but then my 9-5 job got real crazy and home life got crazy.  I also got an email from a user who couldn't configure the docks, so I started into a redesign of the save / load mechanism for the custom docks.  The problem was that I lost motivation to work on this during my lunch break, so things started moving very slowly.

That started to change a couple weeks ago... with Verizon's move from the unlimited data plans.  My wife and I replaced our 2 1/2 year old OG Droids were replaced by shiny new Samsung Nexus' (Nexi?).  That kind of got me moving again as developing on the new phone is a dream compared to the OG Droid.  Then as it seems almost always happens I got a couple emails about the dock configuration issue.  What was nice was that one of the user's said that the problem started after his Razr was updated to Ice Cream Sandwich.  Quick emails to the other users and it seems that they were all on version 3.2 or higher.    I was able to confirm the issue on my new phone as well.  Fortunately, I was about 75% done with a rewrite of the dock extension and I was able to finish it up and send out a Beta to the users who has emailed me.

I made some other minor adjustments and that brings me up to where we are now.  Version was just pushed out the market a little while ago with a better way for me to handle saving the dock configuration (that also works for ICS) and a small tweak to how I try to get the music apps, based off this article from Android ER.

I do feel a little motivated to work on Desk Clock Plus more after diving back into get this last bug fixed, so hopefully I'll be able continue to be motivated and get going on the other extensions that I've been thinking about since I started on the Desk Clock Plus project about a year and half ago.

Thank you all for your support and patience between updates.