Wednesday, December 21, 2011


The biggest update to the newest version is improved German strings.  Thanks to Johannes of Austria for reviewing and updating the XML files for me so they make a little more sense.  I've actually had a fair amount of purchases from Austria and Germany so hopefully this leads to more sales in that region... look at me using real fancy business lingo there!  

Speaking of Europe, the following comment was left in the market:

FAJNY, ALE Zawsze pokazuje temperature w st F bez wzgledu na ustawienia (GALAXY TAB)

Google Translate tells me that he said:

Cool, but always shows the temperature in F st regardless of settings (GALAXY TAB)

Which isn't 100% true, it was holding onto the last weather it knew (as per this update).  Since the first update was in Fahrenheit it stuck after the unit was changed.  Now when the weather unit is changed it will force a refresh to get the correct units.

I also fixed a minor run time error (causing a force close) that would happen sometimes where there were no images to be added to the pool. 

I'm working on a new feature for Scrolling Dock users that I'm hoping that I can get pushed out before Christmas, but I'm not sure that's going to happen...

Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Birthday

Looking at old posts, I realized that Desk Clock Plus was released today a year ago.  Over the past year it's come quite along way.  From new features, languages, fixed bugs I'm very happy and proud of my little app (it is just a clock after all).  The stats aren't crazy, but I'm pretty impressed by them:

  • 24,724 total installs
  • 5,540 active installs
  • 155 ratings (with a 3.8 average rating)
It's being used in a number of different countries as illustrated by this map of the users who have purchased the scrolling dock extension:

It's running on a number of different devices and apparently can run on over 804 devices including the new Galaxy Nexus...

A birthday wouldn't be complete with out an Ice Cream Sandwich...

A coworker of mine got a shiny new Nexus, so I had to Desk Clock Plus on it for him.  I also have it using the new "Yellow Flower" theme, which I remember doing a while back, but apparently never made available... 

Friday, December 9, 2011

Two Quick Updates

So version was pushed to the market yesterday and a little while ago.  Not too much new with these, mostly minor bug fixes based upon emails and the force close reports that Google gives me.  Here's the details of what's fixed:

  • Slide Show - There looks to have been a slight timing error with the loading of the images and the slide show starting that would cause to hang and the "Loading.  Please wait..." dialog.  Some code rearrangement, additional checks and more messages should give a better user interface experience and fix the problem.
  • Purchase Service FC - This might account for some of the "random force closes".  Looking at the logs, the purchase service apparently doesn't always receive an intent when it's started.  It then causes a Force Close.  I find this odd as this is Google code that I'm sure other people are using and I don't know why the bug is in the example.  I simply and checking and catching the parsing of the intent.  Hopefully I stop getting error logs about this.
  • Screen Saver - The timer wasn't being set when the application was loaded.  It was only started if you left the main screen (opened the preferences for example) and came back.
  • Weather Display - I fixed a minor display bug that was happening on some devices.
  • Location - I've got a couple users who are have location issues.  I previously tried to fix it with some additional permissions, but that still doesn't seem to be fixing it.  So there's a new option in the Weather settings screen for "Location Error Messages".  This will display toast messages when it tries and fails to get your location based on what ever service.  Hopefully this will help me figure out how to fix the problem(s).  I may also be having problems with the "Use IP address" feature and I need to email someone about that.
I think that takes care of all the things that are broken from the major changes that happened going to the version 1.0 release.  So hopefully this will mean less updates and will allow me to work on additional new development instead of the "fire fighting" fixing issues.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Next Batch

Version is now in the market.

Once again just a couple of fixes and enhancements

  • Dark Clock (Screen Saver) - I got an email from a user saying that the night clock no longer dimmed, but it did dim, just so very little  you couldn't tell.  When I incorporated the better dimming for the "Smoke" level on the main screen I changed it to take an integer (ie 30%) while the Dark Clock's dim was expecting a decimal (ie .30).  Yes it was very Micheal Bolton of me to misplace the decimal...
  • Dark Clock - I added an option to keep the screen on when in the Screen Saver mode.  Some people want it on, others want it off, so now there's an option.
  • Strings - I've had an on going error log pop up that I haven't been able to put my finger on.  It turns out (or so I believe) that when I did the string translation the substitution strings (minutes %s until alarm) got messed up and I think were causing issues with setting alarms.  I've fixed all of those and I'm hoping that goes away.
  • Translation - Sergio from Chile contacted me awhile back saying that my Spanish translations were off and that some did not make sense (this has happened before).  He offered to fix things up and those are now in place (there are some new strings that haven't been reviewed yet).  I wanted to tell Sergio 'Gracias' for his help!  This prompted me to put a link to this page asking for translating for other languages.
This leaves me with one other big bug left with the purchasing service, which someone left a note in the report that "wasn't even doing anything with it." which might mean that something is just not being set or caught correctly...

After knocking that issue out I've got these two enhancements for the dock extension:
  • Launch a specific app when removed from the dock.
  • Tablet Dock Mode by this I mean stretch the dock the entire width of the device and use a gallery for the icons.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Quick Fixes

Version is in the market.  Just a couple of things fixed:

  • Picasa - This probably didn't effect too many people, but it was a bug when you had Picasa images chosen for the background, but didn't choose any Albums
  • Weather and Location - I'm now holding on to the weather and location information so I don't have to look it up all the time.  This should make rotation and weather update refreshes faster.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fixin' Bugs

I've kept a close eye on the Android Application Error logs to figure out where the problems are and fix everything as quickly as possible.  As I eluded to on Monday when I first released version 1.0 there was a lot of code churn and as I stated on the Market page:

There were a large number of changes for this release.  If you have problems please help me by emailing me so I can help you!
I've been working with a number of users to identify the bugs and Johannes in Austria I was able to identify a pretty nasty force close bug and get an update to the market later that day.  He was also helpful in tracking down another issue with updating the number of docks from the preference screen.  I was also happy to get comments (cause that means that someone is actually reading this) from two users in Monday's release post (and my reply is in there as well).  There's those two ways of contacting me and I'm probably going to break down and setup a Twitter account and start using Google+ when things settle down.   Leaving a comment like... Oh I don't know... something like "Update sux Update is full of bugs" (Ahem Lacy*) that doesn't do any good and makes me go all ranty.   Bob S thank you for driving home the idea that if leave me a comment things get fixed!

Here's the list of thing that I have fixed in version
  • Force Close on start / orientation change - This was actually fixed late Monday in version and it must have done the trick as all the force close reports that have come in and are still coming in are from version 1.0  This was basically a Layout redraw issue, it was trying to set the dock buttons, but due to a layout reload the button was there.
  • Force Close when changing dock count - This one was caused by me doing VB for work and then Java at lunch...slight differences in the languages and how they work.
  • 24 Hour AM/PM - Regardless of the setting the AM/PM was always being set to visible.
  • Plugged-in Indicator - Same as above the indicator was always on
  • Heartbeat transition - This got lost in the GUI redesign and now fades in and out like before.
  • Disable Heartbeat - Ummm... yea didn't put the code in to do this... I found it when I was looking at the transition.  
  •  Weather Issues - I've had a couple emails about the weather not working.  From what it sounds like it's having a problem getting the location to find the weather.  I looked at the code and it's exactly the same as the previous version.  However, there were some differences with the permissions which might have been the problem.  If that's the problem I must be trapping the lack of permissions correctly, but not finding the location (which sounds right).  I'm hoping that this fixes things, but I haven't had any problems with the weather loading... Did this get fixed?
Known issues that are still out there (from what Google tells me):
  • Null Pointer in the get Picasa images - not sure if this is the featured or your images.
  • Null Pointer in the billing service - this is google code for the extension purchase (which pisses me off).  If you get a force close when purchasing the extension, put your name in the log and email me.  
I'm sure there's more, but I don't have the time to list them now.  

*If it's this Lacy then it might be ok...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Desk Clock Plus Version 1.0 Released

I am very happy to announce that I have published the changes for Desk Clock Plus that I've been working on for the past 6 months or so (remember, I'm only a lunch time developer so things take time).  So what's new?  That's a very big question....

The big thing is the addition of 'Application Extensions'.  The basic features of Desk Clock Plus (ie the features from the versions prior to this and what the 'Stock' clock app does) will always remain free.  I don't feel it's right for me (or legal) to charge for that*.  However I understand that there are some users who what more from this application that others don't need.  I think the dock configuration is a good example of that.  Some users have asked for this and I would image that others wouldn't care if they could do that or not.  So for one US dollar (or your approximate equivalent) you can purchase this extension for your devices.  As I said before, I don't see myself getting rich off of this application, but with the holidays coming up and more importantly the office holiday beer exchange I could use a couple extra bucks.

One more thing to note about this... I am a little sketchy about how the code for this works.  I'm pretty sure that I have it implemented correctly (the Pay-Pal system was much easier to work with and debug).  If you have a problem please contact me (or leave a comment) I don't want to leave someone who has paid for this (or is trying to pay) high and dry.  There are a couple of bonuses with this.

  1. When you purchase this extension, it should work across all your devices that are connected to your account.
  2. If you get a new phone or second device, you should just need to go in to the 'Purchase Extensions' screen for things to be reset internally, so you will not have to 'repurchase' this extension.
Now, on to the changes for this version:
  • Scrolling Dock Button Extension - More documentation to follow, but the quick over view is that you can go into the settings --> Scrolling Dock Configuration to set the number of docks and to configure the docks.  Swipe the dock left and right to change docks.  Additionally you can long press a button change a button's:
    • Action - internal to Desk Clock Plus
    • Application - Launch a 3rd party app
    • Clear - Clear action or application
    • Add Dock -  Add a new empty Dock.
    • Delete Dock - Delete the current Dock.
  • Scrolling time / Weather - As a bonus for anyone who purchases an extension I also enable the feature of swiping the time or weather to change it to Digital Time, Analog Time or Weather (I'll add more 'windows' as I add more paid extensions.

  • Reorganized Settings Screen - I grouped everything into sub-properties instead of the sub groups, this way you have smaller pieces to deal with at one time.  Everything is still grouped the same way, just organized a little different.
  • Redesigned GUI - This should be pretty much be transparent to everyone, however some people should notice that fixes issues with 3 digit temperatures and long city state names.
  • Translation - I changed how I translate this application into other languages.  I originally sang the praises of Androlate.  There was some problems with it.  First, it was pretty slow.  Second, it didn't handle multiple string files very well.  Third, it doesn't work anymore (it was only a beta anyhow).  For this go around, I used a Chrome Extension Android Multilingual translation tool.  I was very happy with it as it fixed the 3 issues above, however it doesn't handle string arrays, so those are still in English for the time being.  I also don't know if translations are any better (I'm going to check with other users)
  • Background Images - I made a major change to how background images are handled that should drastically reduce the memory that I'm using and should reduce if not eliminate the out of memory issues you would get when loading images.  This has also worked its way into the slide show.
  • Performance Boost - I think this comes from the changes for the background images, but the application seems to be running much faster which is always good!
Some other things to note, I updated everything on the Android Market page added a new featured graphic, new screen shots and re-wrote all the text.

Stats wise, I'm very happy with what Google is telling me (22k downloads, 5k installed and an average review of 3.7)

As always, what's next?  Probably over the next week or two it's going to be a number of updates for bug fixes as people start using the new version.  I might have some language updates depending on how well the chrome extension did.  I have a couple more ideas for the dock configuration extension that I want to implement.  I have a security issue that I need to resolve and then hopefully some more extensions.

As always, I'm very happy that 5,000 people are using this application, so if you experience any issues or have a suggestion, please email me!

*I am happy to note that everything except for the alarm & alarm screen was written by me.  The alarm code was taken from the Google source.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Major Release on the horizon...

Since May 23rd, updates for Desk Clock plus have been few and far apart (about 4 or 5 in those 5 months).  In that time, I've been working on a pretty major redesign of the main screen.  I haven't changed the look of the application all that much, but the underlying layout has changed a lot which will allow me to add new features quickly and easily.  It's also allowed me to shrink the size of the APK file by 300K or more.

The big feature is the ability to configure the dock (the five icons on the bottom of the screen).  You will soon be able to add more docks (swiping left and right) and add your own applications.  This however will will be an in-app-purchase to enable this new feature.  The in-app-purchase code was truly what had delayed the release of this version.  However, now that's been worked out, I should be able to add more in-app-purchases easily.

I'm happy with the in-app-purchase system that Google has provided (now that it's working).  I feel that it allows me to provide a free basic application for anyone to use and provide additional features for those people willing to pay for them.  I'm not looking to get rich and retire to the beach, but a little extra cash for beer money would be nice.

I also have a list of stack traces that I need to look at (force close and application not responding reports).  I'm not getting a ton of these, but I'm about 2-4 per week, so they need to be addressed.  For the most part it's better error catching for image loading (out of memory, image memory already cleared, etc).

As of 10-3-11 there are 19 Stack traces to look into...

If you happen to notice any other oddities or bugs, leave a comment!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dark Clock Options

After adding the new feature of dimming the dark clock I had a couple of people email regarding it being too dark or that they didn't want it to dim at all.  I knew when I published that last update about a week ago that I probably should have just waited and added these two options.  So, just a little while ago, I pushed version out to the market with these two new features:

  • Dim Time Out -- Allows you to configure when if ever the Dark Clock will dim down.  Choices are Off, 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes.
  • Dim Level -- Allows you to configure how much the Dark Clock will dim out.  Choices are 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% or 80%.  The previous (and stock default) was 80%.  
Also, I'm happy to note that I've had a pretty decent bump in active installs over the past month (and specifically in the last week).  

It's crazy to me that I've got over one thousand new Active (installed on a device) users in about a week.

I'm close to having the last piece of the next major release done, so hopefully in the next week or two I'll have a  big release to write about.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Turn off that light!

It's funny how feature requests come in pairs.  I had two users email me with in three days of each other both asking about the night clock and dimming the time and turning off the back lighting on the buttons.  So, now the Dark Clock (as I've called it) will dim when the time moves the first time.  If you touch the screen when the time is dimmed then it will return to the normal brightness.  Touching again will exit the dark clock mode.  Hopefully that's what they are looking for...

I realized after pushing the update that I probably should have created options for the amount that it dims and how long it waits until it dims.  Not very hard to do, but it will have to wait until next time.

Also, I'm pretty much done with primary development on the next big enhancement... Dock configuration and adding more buttons.  However, that's going to cost you a dollar...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Minor New Feature

I have been working on some major new enhancements to the Desk Clock over the past two months.  Primary development is about 75% done or so, and I've been pretty happy with the results.  I'm hoping to have it to my beta testers later this week.  In the mean time, I do have one new minor feature that was requested via the comments (although I would prefer to take suggestions via email).  There's now an option to turn on / off the "heartbeat" (blinking colon in the time).  Since this was a pretty simple request, I figured I would take some time and put that in.  The two new text strings are being translated and once that's done I'll publish it to the market.

I'm also on the verge of another milestone, 100 ratings.  All in all, I'm very happy and surprised with the usage.  Google tells me that I've had ~15k downloads and ~3.5k active installs.  It's running in countries all over the world (UK, Germany, India, Korea, Japan, Australia).  Now if I could only get more people to use that donate button...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Last one... I swear... until the next one

I found two little bugs one dealing with the display on a larger phone (IE the new Droid X2) that was just setting the dock to center.  The other one was little more odd, I noticed that the slide show would sometimes display the local images when it wasn't supposed to.  This turned out to be an invalid default value, so I need to add a little more brains to making the choice to show local images or not for the slide show.

Seriously, going to start on the extensions... not fixing anything else... until I find something else that's broken.

EDIT: I almost forgot to mention the new 'Vintage Flag' them available for download from the theme browser.  I tried something different with the icons and I'm not 100% sold on them. 

Opinions welcome!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Over the weekend at some point Desk Clock Plus reached the next plateau in the Android Market, over 10,000 downloads since I first released it mid December.  Obviously, that's not 'Angry Birds' type numbers, but it still it averages out to be about 55 downloads a day or about 1600 per month.  It's still kind of crazy to me that many people have tried out my app and 2000+ have it installed on their device. 

Just some quick notes about the last couple of updates:
  • Re-sized the "night clock" for tablet devices, the font size should be the same as when it's in landscape mode.
    • Apparently the colon color wasn't being set either... 
  • Updated PayPal API after it caused a Force Close.
  • After I re-localized the strings, I introduced a string bug that caused force closes on non-English devices (Désolé pour ça!)
  • I'm also now doing some more work to verify that I have the correct intent when the music application is set, this came to light with the Google Music 3.0 launch.
  • Andrew C. sent me screen shot of Desk Clock Plus on his Galaxy Tab and there was some screen layout issues.  The portrait view I know is fixed, I made some other changes to the landscape view, but I haven't been able to verify them, so please email me if your display is messed up for a 'large' tablet device.
  • Gary M. requested that the weather not show NA when no weather info can be found.  This is an issue for him as he said: "I'm on holiday with no internet access".  The first thing I thought of was "a holiday with no internet access... that sounds really good right now!"
  • Finally, there's an extra permission request for the Fine location (GPS).  I did this to increase the chance that I could find your location for the weather without having to resort to the IP address which is rather in accurate.
I don't think there's going to be very many if any updates for a while.  I'm going to be working on some in-app paid extensions, but more about that at a later time.

Thanks again to everyone who has downloaded and uses Desk Clock Plus!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Curse you PayPal!

I looked at the Developer Console this afternoon and I noticed I had a new Force Close report... Something inside of the PayPal API ran out of memory.  So, the last update have some error trapping around the PayPal stuff and I updated the PayPal code to the the latest 1.1.1 version.

I was also informed that I didn't re-size the night clock for the tablet screens.  That's also been fixed in the latest update.

More than meets the eye...

Here's a picture of Desk Clock Plus running on a Asus Transformer

It's running the "Grapes" theme.  I actually to that picture here.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Desk Clock Plus on your tablet

(Updated 5-5-11)
I was very surprised when I got an email a while back from someone who sent a screen shot of Desk Clock Plus from their rooted nook.  I've gotten some other emails for users regarding the Xoom and Samsung Galaxy Tab.  Then, Woot had gTablet on sale for cheap and then there were three in my office I could use for testing.  I'm very happy to announce that Desk Clock Plus will display properly on tablet devices.

In addition to the new supported screen sizes and the standard minor bug fixes based upon the force close reports, I've got a couple other new features.

I've had the problem personally where I've asked myself, what's the clock doing?  I see it's moving data, but nothing is happening... So I added bunch of indicator icons to the upper right hand side of the screen.

From left to right:

  • Weather -- For when the weather is being loaded or updated
  • Picasa Albums -- For when images from your album are being loaded
  • Picasa Featured -- For when the featured images from Picasa are being loaded
  • Local Images -- For when your local images are being loaded
  • Refreshing Image Pool -- After any of the last 3 actions complete, the list of images need to be updated which can take some time depending on the volume of image
  • Clean Image Pool -- During some events, the image pool needs to be cleaned (images unloaded, memory cleanup, etc)
  • Loading Image -- Loading an image locally or from the web
 The a fore mentioned gTablet has a draw back in that the hacked ROM the guys were using the location service didn't work, so they would never get weather info.  There's a new option that will get the device's IP address and use that to figure out the location.  This however isn't always accurate as during testing, my phone thought I was in New Jersey which is only about 350 miles off...

I've also added an option to use the Slide Show as the screen saver if you're using that functionality.  It was such a simple thing to do, I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier.

Lastly, I've built in a way to override the default dock and buttons without apply a theme.  This is basically creating a custom theme that allows you to use the background flipper as well.  I will update the About Themes page soon, but the basics is that if you put one of the following files in the /DeskClockPlus /DeskClockPlus/Themes folder it will use that file instead of the default.
  • dock.png
  • alarm.png
  • slideshow.png
  • darkclock.png
  • music.png
  • home.png
Next up, there is a known bug with the music button.  Certain music players will not Launch from inside of Desk Clock Plus.  I've done a little research and believe it's an application permissions thing... I don't know for sure and I need to look into it.  The good news is that I've been able to  reproduce it on a co-workers tablet.  I'm also going to implement the Google in app purchasing for donations.

After that, I've got some big changes in mind...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Update, Update, Update... Failure... Update

I did another update of all three of my applications on Friday.  The updates to the Launch Bar(s) was pretty minor, but important.  I was looking for a better way to save the intent (how to call the application).  I actually found a good post on stack overflow on how to do this by saving the URI information.  So I put that into both versions and things seem to working well.

I made a big change to the Desk Clock Plus application two (?) weeks ago now.  I was really happy with what I was able to do with integrating my desk clock program and Picasa.  I'm using Picasa in 3 different ways:
  1. Use the featured images (top 20) as part of the backgrounds.
  2. I'm using my Picasa account to host a bunch of themes.
  3. You can display Images from Picasa for your background and / or slide show.
I was very proud of what I was able to do and was planning  a big post explaining all of it and I just never sat down and wrote it (real work and home have been very busy lately).

I kept tinkering with the code and putting in fixes for for the force close reports that were coming in.  I made a change that I'm hoping should fix some of the random force closes when the Desk Clock is not the main application, however, this caused another issue when the application is closed (removed from the dock or the back button is pressed).  I really didn't have time to do anything with it until today, but I do want to thank all 36 people who sent in the Force Close report!  I know I've said it in the past, but I need to stop pushing updates on Friday, it seems that when I do there's some kind of bug that goes out too.

I've been thinking of what's next...  Given all that I've learned in the past nine months or so, I the launch bar could probably be re-written better. For Desk Clock Plus, I'll more than likely, I'll probably do one more enhancement for skinning,  probably draw up a large screen layout and prompt the user launch the location and security screen when a location can't be detected.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It's a big buzz word around my office for my real job.  It wasn't really something that I thought about when I started the android development.  However, when I used some of the Google clock code as a base for my clock, the localized strings came with it, so my desk clock was half globalized.

Last week, Paul from the Netherlands emailed me regarding the force close issues.  Fortunately, I think I have the issue resolved*.  We traded some emails and I got a small list of "wouldn't it be nice if".  Which, once again, is something I'm used to with my real job.  His first comment was the date formatting, I naturally formatted the date Month, Day and he would like it formatted Day, Month.  The change to the formatting is nothing, but the question is when to do it.  What's cool is that there's a function getDateFormatOrder that will return a character array with how to format the date.

His other request was for the weather conditions to be localized.  I'm getting my weather information from yahoo, parsing the XML return, and stuffing the value of Condition into the text box.  I tried to see if I could pass Yahoo a language ID and have it return the localize conditions, but no dice.  So, I opted to use the condition code and then get the string from inside my application.  Paul offered to translate the conditions into Dutch and all looked like it was good.  After typing out all 43 conditions in English yesterday, I wasn't looking forward to doing the same thing in Dutch today.  So, after some searching I found some really cool tools:
  1. App Localizer  This nifty web page you can copy and paste your XML strings file into a text box and tell it what language you want and after some google translating you get a translated XML file back.  It's pretty awesome (and pretty quick too).
  2. Androlate BETA  This is a plug in for Eclipse that will do the same thing but in line.  It is still beta, but I thought it worked pretty damned well, although I thought it was a bit slower than the App Localizer web page.  There was some goofiness with how I had to do things since I have my strings broken up in to multiple files, but all in all I'm happy with it.
So, I have the Desk Clock Plus application completely localized in Dutch, German and Spanish.  After I push it out to the market I'll have Paul check it out and if all looks good then I'll have it go to town on all the 2.2 languages.

*Another user reported that his previously working Droid 2 isn't working anymore once it gets docked... no rest for the wicked...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Update Bomb

I've been rather busy with all three of my projects lately... I was finally able to get everything done and taken care of and I just got done pushing updates to all of them.  But first a little rant...

I personally am very happy with my version of the Desk Clock.  It works very well for me on my original Droid.  It works well, on the Droid 2 and on the HTC incredible (according to my cousin and sister).  I've also have a co-worker using it on his Droid X.  However there are some people who are still having issues with it force closing on start.  That sucks.  I want my software to work for everyone.  The problem is the phones that they say that it doesn't work for... I don't have access to.  Beyond that, I can't say if this is some specific to the phone or the user or a combo of the two.  Additionally, If you going to bitch about it not working, HELP ME, HELP YOU!.  Fill out the Force Close Report!!!  I'll get a stack trace that should help me figure out what the problem is.  I guarantee that it will take less time than going back to the market and complaining there...

I feel a little better... sorry about that.

Desk Clock Pro: I changed how I get the "default background" and I suspect that was the cause of some of the problems or at least I can guess cause nobody fills out the Force Close Report (sorry about that)... The added bonus is that now the Live Wall papers will show through which is pretty cool.  It turns out that I was doing too much work and in most cases if your doing too much work then your doing it wrong.

I still don't know what the problem is with some people and the music button.  It tries to find the default first and then if it can't it should display a list to choose from.  I'm planning on putting an option in the settings for the user to choose which one they want to use.  I'm hoping that speeds things up a little and reduces some of the problems (or at least helps me find the source of the problem.

Launch Bar Pro:  I've learned a lot since I started programming for the Android OS six months ago.  Some of that has been slowly working it's way into the Launch Bar.  I was able to reduce the amount of work it was doing and therefore made the loading and scrolling features a lot faster.

Launch Bar:  The big thing that I'm excited about is that you can now unlock the Pro version from the basic version buy purchasing it though PayPal for $1 USD.  What's nice is that if you are running both versions, you can unlock the free version and basically be running two different Pro widgets!

I don't think I'm going to get rich off of any of my applications, but any extra scratch helps at the end of the month!

Looking forward, I 'm probably going to change out the weather icons for the Clock in the near future.  I talked about a menu option of the musing and I think I'm going to get picasa support for the slide show / backgrounds.

Until then...